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Clinical Informatics Consult at Stanford

What is the Clinical Informatics Consult?

The Clinical Informatics Consult aims to utilize routinely collected medical data on millions of individuals in order to provide better care. Given a specific clinical question, we provide a report with a descriptive summary of similar patients in Stanford’s clinical data warehouse, treatment choices made, and observed outcomes as envisioned in the ‘Green Button’ paper. We have access to demographics, diagnoses, procedures, medications, laboratory values, clinical notes, mortality, and length of stay information for over 2.3 million patients. Our service can quickly mine this data and interpret it for your clinical scenario. For more information please watch this 2-minute video.

The next time you are in an uncertain clinical situation and wonder, “What happened to other patients like mine?” We would love to help.

To request a consult, please e-mail from your Stanford email account.

Example Reports

Request a Consult

To request a consult, please e-mail from your Stanford email account.

Consult Team

Data Science Collaborators

See under the hood

inf-consult.1522198051.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/27 17:47 by sgombar