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r-tutorial [2011/10/12 23:54]
liuyipei created
r-tutorial [2011/10/13 00:07]
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 +  * Basics borrowed from Pablo Cordero 
 +# R is best used as an interactive environment for statistical analysis. 
 +# Don't think of it primarily as a compiler/interpreter for scripts! 
 +# You should be spending most of your time in the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). 
 +# R as a calculator 
 +# R as a graphics tool 
 +# Define a vector named cars with five values 
 +my.vector <- c(1,3,6,4,9) 
 +# Some basic variables that come with R to play with 
 +plot(x=cars$speed, y=cars$dist 
 +     main="cars", 
 +     xlab="speed", 
 +     ylab="dist"
 +# Primitive data types 
 +# Numeric - floating point 
 +# Integers 
 +# Boolean values - TRUE, FALSE 
 +# Special values - NA, Inf, -Inf 
 +x <- 3.14159 
 +x <- 1 / 0 
 +y <- TRUE 
 +z <- NA 
 +u <- 2.71828 
 +v <- "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" 
 +# You can compare values using the usual binary infix operators, which return TRUE, FALSE or NA 
 +x > u 
 +x == u 
 +x == z 
 +# There are also some handy tests you can use to detect special values. 
 +# Compound data - vectors, matrices, lists, data frames,  
 +# The most basic type of compound data in R is a vector. 
 +# Vectors of numeric values 
 +x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6) 
 +# Can also have vectors of boolean or string values. 
 +x >= 3 
 +y <- c("the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"
 +# You can specify a range using the ':' operator 
 +x <- 1:6 
 +# c(...) is a handy function for building vectors from other vectors 
 +y <- c(1:6) 
 +z <- c(1:3,c(4:6)) 
 +s <- c(x,y) 
 +c(x, y, s) 
 +# Referencing elements of a vector using [...] 
 +# You can use variables as indices. 
 +i <- 4 
 +# You can reference elements of a vector using 
 +# a vector of indices: 
 +selection <- c(4:6) 
 +# The elements of a vector can have symbolic names 
 +names(x) <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
 +# Now you can reference elements of the vector using 
 +# the symbolic names.  This can be very handy when you 
 +# have a big vector and you don't want to remember, e.g. 
 +# the index that corresponds to your gene of interest. 
 +x[c('a', 'c')] 
 +# Some special ways to build vectors 
 +rep(NA, 10) 
 +rep(1, 10) 
 +rep(1:2, 10) 
 +seq(from=1,to=10, by=2) 
 +seq(from=0, to=10, by=0.1) 
 +# Modifying elements of a vector 
 +x[3] <- NA 
 +x[5] <- 1/0 
 +# You can modify multiple elements of a vector using 
 +# a vector of the the indices of elements you want to modify. 
 +x[selection] <- 10 
 +x[selection] <- c(10:12) 
 +# Sometimes, you want to know the indices of the elements of a vector 
 +# which are NA, or Infinite, or whatever.  You can get a vector of the 
 +# elements which are na like this: 
 +x['e'] <- NA 
 +x[] <- 0 
 +# Sorting 
 +# Order 
 +# Matching the elements of two vectors to each other 
 +a <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
 +b <- c('d', 'e', 'a'
 +match(b, a) 
 +# Some convenient functions for operating on strings and vectors of strings 
 +z <- paste(y, collapse="_"
 +strsplit(z, split="_"
 +# Vectorized operations - many operations operate on vectors 
 +# in an element-wise fashion, returning vectors. 
 +x <- c(1:6) 
 +z <- rev(x) 
 +x[c(3,6)] <- NA 
 +x + 1 
 +x + z 
 +x - z 
 +x * z 
 +x > 3 
 +!(x > 3) 
 +sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) 
 +mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) 
 +var(x, na.rm=TRUE) 
 +# MATRICES - n x m tables 
 +m <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=2) 
 +m <- matrix(x, nrow=2) 
 +m <- matrix(x, nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) 
 +m <- rbind(m, c(10:12)) 
 +m <- cbind(m, c(13:15)) 
 +# Referencing elements of a matrix 
 +m <- m[,1:3] 
 +m[ ] <- 0 
 + <- as.matrix(read.table("", sep="\t")) 
 +# The columns of a matrix can have symbolic names 
 +colnames(['Shaggy', 'B_4'['Shaggy',
 +# LISTS - Generally used like a hash table / associative map, 
 +# though it is also an ordered list]   
 +# Making a new lists 
 +x <- list(a=c(1,2,3), b=c('d', 'e', 'f'), c="foo"
 +# Referencing elements of a list 
 +# Modifying elements of a list 
 +x$a <- 3.14159 
 +# unlist() 
 +# Some R functions return lists, and we want to get vectors - we can 
 +# convert a list into a vector using unlist(...) 
 +strsplit("a_b_c", split="_"
 +unlist(strsplit("a_b_c", split="_")) 
 +# FACTORS - R's representation of categorical values. 
 +f <- factor(rep(c('a', 'b'), 10)) 
 +# Tables with heterogeneous columns. <- read.table("", sep="\t"
 +# Reference elements of a data frame like it was a matrix, or using 
 +# column names[1:3,1:3]$plays.tuba 
 +# for loops 
 +means <- numeric(nrow( 
 +names(means) <- rownames( 
 +for (i in 1:nrow( { 
 +  means[i] <- mean([i,], na.rm=TRUE) 
 +# apply 
 +means <- numeric(nrow( 
 +means <- apply(, MARGIN=1, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE) 
 +# rowMeans, colMeans 
 +means <- rowMeans(, na.rm=TRUE) 
 +# lapply 
 +# Printing stuff out 
 +# cat - print something to STDOUT 
 +cat('a', 'b', '\n'
 +cat('a', 'b', '\n', sep="_"
 +cat(c(1:4), "\n"
 +# sprintf 
 +u <- 3 
 +v <- 3.14 
 +s <- "Hello" 
 +sprintf("%g %f %s", u, v, s) 
 +sprintf("%g %.3f %s", u, v, s) 
 +cat(sprintf("%g %.3f %s\n", u, v, s)) 
 +# Getting stuff into and out of R 
 +# read.table, write.table 
 +# We saw these above - read through the help page for these functions to get 
 +# a feel for the available options. 
 +# read.table 
 +# write.table 
 +# save, load - use these with large data structures as 
 +save(, file=""
 +# If you want to save everything in your session, use save.image 
 +ls()  # Lists all bindings in your session 
 +rm(list=ls()) # Remove all bindings 