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Onboarding for affiliates

Onboarding steps

  1. Get SUNETID to access the Stanford network. External collaborators will require sponsorship from a Stanford staff.
  2. Get access to our servers (ncbolabs-dev4, ncbolabs-db1). Contact Alex Skrenchuk. VPN is needed for off-campus access.
  3. Identify the databases you need. Contact Paea/Alex for access to the specific databases. Read and agree to DUA.
  4. Complete training (HIPAA awareness on Axess, Protection of Human Subjects on CITI) and upload your certificates
  5. You are encouraged to set up a wiki page to document your project. See example.
  6. For details regarding specific steps, schedule a one-on-one session with the relevant person
    • Server access: Alex Skrenchuk
    • Data use agreement:
    • Annotation:
    • Cohort building:
    • Data analysis:

Data sharing and Use Agreement

  • Use of the data will be restricted to research questions outlined and agreed upon in advance.
  • All participants and users of data have completed CITI training, and attended an on-site tutorial at Stanford regarding the organization of the data and best practices for safeguarding the data.
  • No copies of the data will leave Stanford BMIR servers; and no data will be shared with anyone other than those approved and certified in advance. Temporary caching during computation is allowed, and will be properly secured, accounted, and discarded in a timely fashion per the DUA.
  • All publications or presentations relating to the data will be cleared in advance through Shah lab

How to connect to DB1

If you are off-campus, you will need VPN.
To connect to, a MySQL database (port 3306), tunnel via

ssh -L <yourusername> -Nf

Then connect to the database of interest

mysql -h localhost -P 3306 -u<yourusername> -p<yourpassword> <databasename>

You may also set up a MySQL GUI

  1. (MAC) Sequel Pro has built-in SSH tunneling:
  2. (PC) MySQL Workbench, DB Visualizer
  3. (Linux) MySQL Workbench

Example: setting up MySQL workbench with tunneling

onboarding_affiliates.1387319678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/17 14:34 by yenlow